Monthly Archives: April 2011

God Dammit…

So you might have caught me talking before about these never ending string of events that constantly devour my free time like Hyena’s devour an Antelope? Yeah. Here’s another one. I was really hoping to have the LAST and FINAL part of the PG Strike Freedom Review out by today (Friday), but it seems that Portal 2 is both really good, and a lot longer than I expected…

I suppose this gives me a bit more time to spend working on the photoshoot then! Which I have about 30% done. I’m being really picky about the photos that are going in this one!

PG Strike Freedom Build pt. IX – Wings


<- Head back to part 8 of the build

Hm. I had a much better picture planned for this one, but it fit the Review much better ^^’. Alas the build of the Perfect Grade Strike freedom is complete. I was a bit confused at first on how to do this section. The four different sections of the wings are divided into two separate sections you do twice, and then those sections are very similar in themselves, so really you’re building one part four times. So that’s really what I did ^^;

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PG Strike Freedom Build pt. VIII – Armor & Weapons

<- Head back to Review part 1

Down to the last stretch, aren’t we? I’m almost really sad that I have to cover up that wonderful skeleton, but reviewing has to be done!

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